The Andan Foundation
The Andan Foundation is a non-profit humanitarian foundation based in Switzerland. It is regulated by the Swiss Federal Authority for the Supervision of Foundations and audited annually by BDO.
Andan leads private sector initiatives to support families fleeing their homes due to war, internal conflict, and climate change. It identifies and develops innovative, sustainable solutions promoting refugees’ self-reliance, boosting their resilience, and fostering their inclusion in their new countries. Andan prioritizes projects that expand economic, financial, and political opportunities for both refugee populations and the communities that welcome them. Andan facilitates and propels partnerships between the private sector and UN agencies, governments, NGOs, and academic institutions concerned with refugees and migrants.
Andan’s main, long-term project is the Andan Free Global City, which will completely upend and reform how we deal with the growing global refugee and migration crisis.
Extraordinary Times
Wars, persistent civil conflict and natural disasters have forced more than 100 million people to flee their homes, causing one of the world’s largest humanitarian crises. Of these, 32.5 million people have crossed the borders of their countries looking for international protection and are designated as ‘refugees’. They remain in exile for an average of 17 years, according to current figures. In the years ahead, more and more people will migrate in order to survive. UN International Organization for Migration estimates that 1 billion people could be displaced globally by 2050 due to climate change and natural disasters.
Local laws and policies in these hosting countries often prevent refugees from working or moving freely, condemning them to an undignified state of dependence on international charitable aid. This results in a harrowing period of long-term stasis in which survival is barely guaranteed, while the wealth of talent, passion and drive that refugees could contribute remains unproductive both for themselves and their hosting communities.
The Andan Foundation aims to increase self-reliance of refugees by unleashing the human capital through education, entrepreneurship and employment.
““A new model is now being tested, with positive results - based on equity, on justice and on humanitarian values and standards. Countries and communities need more systematic, long-term support as they take on the job of helping uprooted families. Refugees themselves need to be included in new communities, and given the chance to realise their potential.””